Outstanding German engineered optics

Sentimental recap mode message series notice: photo taken 8 years ago, we have just been upgraded to the marvellous Nikon D800 and Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar T* ZF 100mm f2 as well as ZF 50mm f2 lenses. Outstanding German engineered optics impeccably made by Cosina Japan. Especially the 100 mm one: sharp and contrasty as hell, mouth-wateringly beautiful colours. The only downside is the lack of a true APO correction.

Laminar Streamer SD Card player (digital transport, no DAC) in all it’s glory. Moody and proud. A laminar photoshoot.

  • Customer — LESSLOSS
  • Industrial design, design concept — Mindaugas Jokubauskas (Fonografika)
  • Studio product photography — Mindaugas Jokubauskas (Fotografika)
A precission advertising studio product photograph of a High End audiophile SD Card player
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